Proudly Sponsored By

Proudly Sponsored By

Child Welfare

Child Welfare Policy Statement

Wrington Redhill is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for children and young people to practise Association Football. We take the welfare of children in our care very seriously copies of the Club’s Child Welfare Policies which are available, on request, from us.

Patricia Bull. Child Welfare Officer 07748 925823

Wrington Redhill Football Club

We aim to do this by:

Recognising that all children have the right to freedom from abuse.

Ensuring that all our volunteers are carefully selected and accept responsibility for helping to prevent the abuse of children whilst in their care.

Responding swiftly and appropriately to all suspicions or allegations of abuse, and providing parents and children with the opportunity to voice any concerns they may have.

Appointing a Child Welfare Officer who will take specific responsibility for child safety and act as the main point of contact for parents, children and outside agencies.

Ensuring access to confidential information is restricted to the Child Welfare Officer or the appropriate external authorities.

Keeping up to date with the changes in FA Child Welfare Policy and reviewing the effectiveness of our Child Welfare Policy and activities each year.

Child Welfare – Code of Conduct

  • Do respect the rights, dignity and worth of each and every person and treat them equally.
  • Do provide an example you wish others to follow.
  • Do plan activities, which involve more than one other person being present, or at least which are within sight or hearing of others.
  • Do respect a child’s or young person’s right to personal privacy.
  • Do provide access for young people to talk to others about any concerns they may have.
  • Do encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviour they do not like.
  • Do maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Do remember that someone else might mis-interpret your actions, no matter how well intentioned.
  • Do recognise that caution is required even in sensitive moments of counselling, such as when dealing with bullying, bereavement or abuse.


  • Do NOT permit abusive peer activities (e.g. initiation ceremonies, ridiculing or bullying).
  • Do NOT have any inappropriate physical or verbal contact with others.
  • Do NOT jump to conclusions about others without checking the facts.
  • Do NOT allow yourself to be drawn into inappropriate attention seeking behaviour such as tantrums or crushes.
  • Do NOT exaggerate or trivialise child abuse issues.
  • Do NOT show favouritism to any individual.
  • Do NOT make suggestive remarks or gestures.
  • Do NOT rely on just your good name to protect you.
  • Do NOT believe “it could never happen to me”.